Education Loan

Over the years, an education loan is one of the most important financial instruments floated in the Indian economy by banks and other financial organizations in the country for students who find it difficult to finance their education either in India or abroad. These education loans, some of the Best Education Loans in Jalandhar, comprise the following categories of loans to meet the different costs associated with education such as tuition fees, living expenses, books, and other educational requirements. Normally people start to pay back the loan after they have finished college, but they are usually given a grace period when they can find a job and be in a position to pay back the loan.

Advantages of Mexmon Education Loans

Financial Help: 

Students and young talents with no chance of financing their educational needs on personal savings can always take educational loans. In order to maintain quality standards in education,these funds offer educational assistance by availing the best education loans in Jalandhar.


Easy Repayment: 

Flexible repayment is one of the most distinctive features of the strategy. This is because students getting scholarships can factor in the fast approval of quick loans in Jalandhar without the pressure of repaying it immediately.


Low Interest Rates: Rewards today provide an economical rate of interest on our education loans and therefore the finest education loans in Jalandhar. This means that the cost you are charged is manageable compared to other loan products in the market.


Covers Many Expenses: Education loans are suitable for funding tuition fees, accommodation, books as well as all other expenses associated with school so education loans offer support throughout the education process.


Better Job Prospects:

Education improves employment outlook, and salary hence making it possible to clear the loan much easier and without a lot of stress. This makes our Education Loans in Punjab a worthwhile investment into your future.


Tax Benefits: 

Some of the tax deductions possible include deductions on education loans, allowing you to save some money as you clear your loan.


Builds Credit: 

Regarding the repayment of your loan, timely payments to the loan officer will mean more positive accomplishments in your credit history toward future financial needs.


Access to Top Schools

 With an education loan, you can afford to attend prestigious schools that might otherwise be too expensive.

Business Loan Calculator

Calculate your EMI for you

Your EMI Amount is:

₹ 1435

Here you can see your total payment and total interest in your loan.

Total Payment

₹ 172165

Total Interest

₹ 72165
How it Work

Follow These Simple Steps

Check Interest & Calculate EMI

First of all, you should visit the interest rate and then calculate the monthly installment amount.

Check your Eligibility

Just to let you know, here are some of the things that you have to know about eligibility and documentation.

Proceed your Application

Fill out the application for the loan and get our advantage of an instant loan approval in Jalandhar.


Hurry up; quickly we disburse the amount meaning, it will be easy and reduce the struggles and hardships of getting money to fund your education.


List of Documents Required for Mexmon Loan

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  • Address Proof: Voter ID card, Ration Card, Passport etc.
  • Identity Proof: They further said that Tripura can produce Voter ID, Passport, PAN Card, etc.
  • Income Details: PAN Card Including, ‘Form 16’, Income Tax Returns, Salaries Slip and so on.
  • Education Documents: Mark sheets of SSC and HSC, pass certificates and degrees.
  • Application Form: An application form properly and completely filled.
  • Co-Borrower Income Details: Lists of documents required includes; Form 16, PAN Card copy, salary slip and Income Tax Returns.
Rates and Charges

Mexmon Loan Rates & Charges Table


Mexmon Financals has competitive rates hence making our education loans among the best education loans in Jalandhar.


Interest Rate

Range between 0.99% per month to (11.88% to 27% per year) depending on the scheme.

Processing Fee[1] As per scheme guidelines.
No Part-Payment or Pre-Closure Charges

The ability to freely manage your loan.

Penal Charges (w.e.f 01/04/2024) 0.5% p.m (6% p.a) + GST on outstanding due amount[2]
MTM Charges[3]* ₹500.00
Stamp Duty and other statutory charges As per applicable laws of the state
Auction Charges* ₹1500.00
Overdue Notice Charges* ₹200 per Notice
SMS Charges* ₹5.90 per Quarter
Part-Payment Charges NIL
Pre-Closure Charges NIL
Minimum of 7 days interest will be charged if loan is closed within 7 days


A parent or guardian must take the position of the co-applicant of the loan .Any loan application will be considered at the branch that is nearest to the student’s place of permanent residence.

Mexmon, when selected as your education financing partner, is among the best Education loans in Jalandhar. To guarantee you get the requisite financial assistance towards your educational goals, we remain steadfast in our promise of satisfactory and individually relevant service delivery. Talk to us today to have more information on Education Loans in Punjab. Welcome To Turn Your Educational Dreams Into Reality We Are Here To Assist You.

Mexmon Loan Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for an education loan at Mexmon Finance, you must meet the following criteria:

Be an Indian national.

Have direct entry into a professional or a technical course through a competitive process either in India or in a foreign country.

Lacks: Any outstanding education loans with other Banks.

A parent or guardian must take the position of the co-applicant of the loan.

Any loan application will be considered at the branch that is nearest to the student’s place of permanent residence.

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